Day 2 Saturday with the Grandchildren, Lilly and Jem also joined us today.

Baylon and Luna slept soundly all night, Baylon was awake just after us at 6:30am and Luna around 7 am, though I think she would have slept longer but was woken up by a blower, blowing all the leaves off the paths in the playground. There were a lot of people setting up for picnics too. 

The kids climbed into bed with us, our space is very warm and cosy with the carpeted floors and curtains.

The kids have fun playing in the park and after lunch we went for a walk and had some ice cream.

The children had fun climbing a tree and more playing in the park.
Sam and I took them fishing where Baylon caught a fish and Sam took it home to eat hahaha.

Great weekend had by all, I am now exhausted hehehe


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